Friday, 7 October 2011

Need some help on car modifications in texas.. what are the rules.?

i asked this question before but never really got any good answers. i am moving to texas this fall and i have a bmw, heres some modifications i wanna know if they can pass inspection or can i atleast drive around without getting pulled over

Clear tail lights with tint over the red part -(my bulbs are normal colors, red shines through the tint)

Purple Underglow Neons

Fast turn signals

If anyone in texas could help me out please, and please dont post any stupid answers, i really need to know what i need to change.. thanksNeed some help on car modifications in texas.. what are the rules.?Question 1. Rear lights need to be stamped (DOT) or they are illegal and you cannot have any tint or smoked color taillights.

Question 2. Here is what Texas has to say about neon's.....

The common practice to circumvent these laws is to install the lighting under the vehicle, out of direct view, so that the light is cast downward illuminating the ground. State law is silent on this issue (in this case silence is not golden) and the federal regulations do not prohibited it, except for taking the place or interfering with any required lamp, especially the license plate lamp.

This is a technical loophole. As with all technical or legal loopholes, it is not understood by everyone to include some law enforcement personnel. All questions of law are finally resolved in court.

To put it simply, while you may be able to drive the vehicle with the accent lights illuminated and not receive a citation, there may come a time when you are cited and the judge agrees with the officer. Your only recourse will be to appeal the decision until you reach a court that recognizes the loophole and you may still lose.

Question 3. This would be illegal and not pass the vehicle inspection laws.......
Need some help on car modifications in texas.. what are the rules.?
Tints may be illegal in Texas, but the problem lies with the cop who stops you. Ive had tinted tail lights for three years, and have been stopped numerous times for little things. None of the officers or state troopers gave me a ticket, nor did they mention anything about my tail lights

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Need some help on car modifications in texas.. what are the rules.?
ucantcme, is there a cite or link you can give me to look at this %26quot;loophole%26quot;? i need something i can prove. i have to go to court soon to fight my case of having neon lights. i would REALLY appreciate it

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My baby has chylothorax - can you help?

My son had a repair to his esophagus (atresia) when he was 5 days old. A chest tube with a suction bulb was placed after surgery. For perhaps a week there was little drainage and what was there was dark and appeared slightly bloody. After a week and a half or so the fluid became clear and yellow and increased to a fair degree. He began leaking from the hole where the tube entered his back, too. You'd go to move him and it would drip out very quickly. After another few days the fluid level increased dramatically, to about 5 ccs per hour. They switched to a gravity drain and that seemed to work just as well until the drain tube was left looped and higher than the surgery site and he started to have trouble breathing because fluid was accumulating in his chest. He was pulling very hard to breathe and his oxygen saturation went When the drain was put in proper position he drained copious amounts very quickly. They then switched to a pluerovac (drain with suction) because they thought he had air on his lung and for the first several hours there was NO drainage at all. The doctor then changed ot the chest tube for a different style (pigtail to straight) and he began draining fluid again, but not to a great degree. By morning he was in respiratory failure. They inserted a needle in his chest and drained 60 ccs in a matter of a few minutes. They replaced the drain with another pigtail drain and stopped the leak at the insertion point so it wouldn't leak out there anymore. For the past several days they've continued to get 5 ccs per hour. Yesterday they began octreotide and today they are starting him on a formula (via g-tube he already has due to a cleft between the esophagus and trachea he was scheduled to have repaired mid-july - he is also on reflux meds - his stomach is very small) that is supposed to be low protein and have a special type of fat and assist with the healing of the leak to the lymphatic channel. Overnight the fluid has increased to 11 ccs per hour. I am at my wit's end because I don't know how to help my baby and, although I trust that the doctors are doing everything they can to help him, it seems there is a lot of head scratching going on. I have questioned the use of a suction drain. It seems to me that if the drain were placed near the leak (and they haven't pinpointed the leak) the suction could inhibit closure or even irritate the leak site. I also have read so much about chyothorax and the use of fat restricted diets and they all mention the fluid being milky. This is NOT milky - it is the color of very yellow urine and very clear. I'm wondering why, if the duct was injured during surgery, why there was no chyle leaking t first and then it began and now it has increased. It is so frustrating to not know what is going on. I ask questions but just don't seem to get thorough answers. They've told me surgical repair for chylothorax is very difficlt and have le us to believe that it is a long shot that surgery COULD fix it. They've told us his best bet is to let some time go by use the medications and diet, and hopefully it will self-repair. We've been told that if it doesn't heal he cannot live with it and he will die. This is too serious a situation for me to have unanswered questions. PLEASE help me understand this better. I would appreciate any info you think could be helpful to us.My baby has chylothorax - can you help?Get a second opinion! look I have issues with western medicine at times. They got too much confidence, and don't include other types of healing. It's more than just physical. It's emotional, mental and spiritual. I saw a mid-wife for my pregnancy, and went to a natural pediatrician. I would honestly call up your local mid-wifely service provider and ask for their help, find another specialist. Ask for a second opinion or someone they can refer you to. You are Mom, YOu have the intuition. Trust in yourself and your knowledge. Mom's always know best, if your gut is telling you something, then please listen. Find your strength as a strong, loving goddess, mother, and find that solution for your baby. Don't just sit around and let the doctor's handle it. Yes they have training, and know facts, but there is soo much more to it. Also are you holding your baby as much as possible? You, dad, grandma, need to be holding that baby every single second you can. Even if it's just to rest your hand on their leg. Give healing love energy. Prey, do Rekki healing. that baby NEEDS it, and that touch will help give strength to the baby to heal

What is the summary of this article, please?

By Dr. Jack Hall

On a recent fossil collecting trip a friend asked, %26quot;What do you think is the most important organism on the Earth?%26quot; She knew full well I would answer, %26quot;Humans!%26quot; since we are the masters of our domain and without rival in the animal world (are we good or what?).

She was a bit surprised, and gave me the %26quot;Are you nuts?%26quot; look, when, without hesitation, I answered, %26quot;No doubt about it... hands down the most important organism on this planet is marine algae.%26quot;

%26quot;Algae?!?,%26quot; she said.

%26quot;Algae?!?,%26quot; she said.

Phytoplankton are tiny microscopic plants - algae - that form the base of the marine food chain. Phytoplankton is most abundant in colder waters where there is an abundance of nutrients.

%26quot;Yes, Algae,%26quot; I answered. %26quot;Do you want an explanation or are you going to take my word on this?%26quot; I asked.

%26quot;Let me think about it and I'll get back to you on that one,%26quot; she said. As we continued our hunt for shark's teeth, whale bones, and anything else we could find, she finally broke down. %26quot;I don't get it. We can change the world in so many ways鈥?.what has algae done?

%26quot;Very simple,%26quot; I said. %26quot;Algae allows us and almost every other organism you can think of, living or dead, to be here.%26quot;

Suddenly, she got that look. You know, the one you get when that light bulb in your head clicks on鈥?bing, there it is! %26quot;Ah, oxygen, right?%26quot;

%26quot;Correctomundo!%26quot; was my very scientific reply.

Seaweed are not plants, but are algae. Not only does algae provide much of the Earth's oxygen, they also are the base for almost all marine life. Green algae (pictured) gets its color from chlorophyll and exists on or near the surface where there is plenty of sunlight. Green algae is not as common in the ocean as brown and red seaweed. It is also more closely related to land plants than any other type of algae.

It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants . Nearly all marine plants are single celled, photosynthetic algae. Yup, that's right, good ol' scum on the pond鈥reen gak鈥?.slip slimein' away. Even marine seaweed is many times colonial algae. They are a bunch of single cells trying to look like a big plant (see seaweed photo), but they are really individuals.

We need marine algae a whole lot more than they need us. Think about it鈥?70% to 80% of all the oxygen we breathe comes from algae! Without them we would really be sucking wind, but not for long! At this point you may be saying, %26quot;Yo! What about the trees and other land plants?%26quot; Well, trees and other land plants are very important, no doubt about it. But for pure survival, we couldn't make it without algae.

Why does so much of our oxygen come from algae? Well, first of all, remember that the oceans cover about 71% of this planet and land is only about 29%. If we assume that every square mile of the ocean produces as much oxygen as every square mile of land, then this makes sense. The oceans would produce about 71% and the land 29% of the oxygen we breathe. Looks like we are in the ballpark don't you think?

Now the question is, %26quot;Are the oceans, indeed, as productive as the land?%26quot; At first you might not think so, after all when you look at the land there are trees and bushes and grass and all kinds of plants growing. They must crank out oxygen to beat the band! They do, but also remember that there are many places on land that don't have much in the way of plants. How about Antarctica or the Sahara Desert along with many others? These are pretty good sized chunks of real estate where plants are few and far between. How much oxygen is being pumped out in these areas?

I would venture to say there's not enough to keep a pack of wild hamsters (ever seen wild hamsters?) going for very long. So, some areas on land have an abundance of plants and produce a large quantity of oxygen while others have very few plants and produce very little.

The same can be said for the oceans. There are some areas that have an abundance of algae living in the waters and other areas that don't. In the ocean there are areas of upwelling where cold, nutrient rich bottom water moves toward the surface. These upwelling waters mix with the surface water and produce an area that is like liquid fertilizer for plants. They go ballistic and there are billions of the little critters in the water just pumping out oxygen left and right. Other areas of the oceans don't have much in the way of nutrients in the water and they are like the deserts on land with very few plants.

Not All Are Green: Count Your Algae!

There are three types of algae: red, green and brown. Some algae in the ocean are very small and drift in the ocean water. Those algae are phytoplankton. The most abundant type of algae is brown algae, with over 5,000 species (not all are totally brown). Red algae has over 2,000 species, and lives where light is dim, in deeper waters, mostly in temperate and tropical waters. Green algae is more common on land and in fresh water systems, but is theWhat is the summary of this article, please?I don't want to be mean but all you have to do is read it and write a summary

%26quot;A summary or recap is a shortened version of the original. The main purpose of such a simplification is to highlight the major points from the genuine (much longer) subject, e.g. a text, a film or an event. The target is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time.%26quot; (http ://
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  • My betta's dorsal fin just rotted away. Have tried miracle cure, bettafix, not helping. What can I do?

    I kept it in a five gallon tank but had to move it to a smaller isolation one because of its condition. I also had to move it and make frequent water changes because I started to find mosquito larvae swimming around in the tank and a bulb I purchased almost a year ago finally yielded plenty of leaves and roots, but that might have affected my fish which had been fine up to then. It went from black to a pale salmon or gray. It also had cloudy eye. I don't know what else to do. Sometimes it goes back to the original black color but then it turns pale again. Today I tried something for fungus which turned the water green. Ideas anyone?My betta's dorsal fin just rotted away. Have tried miracle cure, bettafix, not helping. What can I do?Surgery? It's just a fish. It's cheaper to replace it.
    My betta's dorsal fin just rotted away. Have tried miracle cure, bettafix, not helping. What can I do?
    hmmm idk wat to do, my betta a while back pretty much got paled eyed and fins were dissolving away and he died, thats why i hate betas, there not good with other fish and they rot away after like a year
    My betta's dorsal fin just rotted away. Have tried miracle cure, bettafix, not helping. What can I do?
    If you mean his long flowing tail they have,then i think i can help. My betta and my bros betta do the same thing. It's very common. It's called tail rot. The first thing you need to do is clean the bowl more often. This happens a lot when you don't clean your bowl or tank enough. It's okay to keep them in a tank, but you have to be diligent with maintaining the pH %26amp; ammonia levels, or your fish will sicken %26amp; die. The tank appears to be clean because of the filter and fools you into thinking you don't have to maintain it as often. To get your Betta's tail to grow back you need to buy something that treats tail rot. There are several on the market, one is called %26quot;Quick Cure%26quot; and the other is called %26quot;Fungus Clear%26quot; by Jungle. Either can be bought at Walmart in the pet section. While treating your fish, it would be easier to put him in a bowl (but be careful to not cause shock), because you will need to treat, then wait 2-3 days, clean the bowl, retreat, clean after 2-3 days %26amp; so on, until you see new tissue starting to grow. It looks kind of transparent at the end of the tail, and then colors in later. After that, make sure you clean your Betta's bowl at least weekly or if you keep him in a tank, check the pH and ammonia levels regularly. There are a ton of websites that can teach you how to maintain a healthy aquarium. I hope I helped and I hope your Betta will be okay!

    My Betta's Sick! Could it be a Fungi Infection?

    Okay, since I've gotten my Betta, he has had color loss on his head. it's just like a dark gray color. Today the dark gray area seemed to be patchy, kind of like poka dots. His fins aren't growing and he just seems not so pretty as the pics I see of other healthy bettas.

    He lives in a nice 3 gallon tank all by himself. He loves it, since I moved him from a 1 gal. tank a couple days after I've gotten him. The water temp. is usually between 78-80 degrees, and the tank has a filter and light bulb that helps keep temperature up. Last night he layed on the rocks a lot more than usual and today I checked the levels of the water, and the ammonia levels were 8.2! Very high! I did an immediate water change. he has no problems eating since I've gotten him. I did see some pics of a grayish head betta that said it had Fungi Infection, could this be my problem?

    I was also wondering, would it hurt my betta to treat it for fungi infection if it didn't have it? Could I treat my betta for several illnesses at one time?

    My Betta's Sick! Could it be a Fungi Infection?I don't think your ammonia levels are 8.2 ppm, as your fish would be very much dead if they were. Are you sure that wasn't nitrate, or even pH? If it was the ammonia reading at 8.2, the test was almost certainly wrong. The spot on the fish's head sounds like Columnaris, often called saddleback disease because it presents itself as a scaly patch atop the fish's head. It is a bacterial infection that will begin to grow fibrous mats if allowed to advance, looking very much like fungus. Since it does move quickly, you'll need to act quicker. Begin treatment with Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, Furan 2, Furanase, Maracyn 2, Kanaplex, or similar medications as soon as possible. Remove any activated carbon from the filter during treatment, and if using minocycline or tetracycline, keep the tank dark (both degrade with exposure to light).


    EDIT: It is inconceivable to think that somebody could confuse Ich with fungus. The only similarity is that both are white in color. Ich would appear as granules on the fish, fungus, as cottony tufts. On top of that, they are almost identical in treatment; nearly all Ich (or other parasite) medications, like Quick Cure, Rid Ich, Nox Ich, etc. are also extremely effective against fungus.
    My Betta's Sick! Could it be a Fungi Infection?
    I assure you, the ammonia level WAS 8.2! I have a chemical tester, and I even double checked it! My fish is still alive, finished a dose of Melafix and my fish now has white fuzz growing on him, surprisingly he's eating and seems to be acting as himself. Now I'm starting a dose of Quick Cure!

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    My Betta's Sick! Could it be a Fungi Infection?
    Sounds like Ick. If you can take a picture of him to a fish tank shop and ask them if it is Ick and what they recommend to treat it. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle exactly.


    A lot of medications work on multiple infections. However a fungal infection is not nearly the same as the parasite ich. If it looks like grains of salt it is ich. You can treat him for both at the same time by using a fungal medication for the fungus and creating a salt bath to kill the ich.

    Just look for a fungal medication in your store and follow these instructions for creating a salt bath:>

    You also need to control the ammonia. Continue with 25% water changed daily and add hagen cycle or stress zyme because ammonia poisoning could kill your fish. You ammonia and nitrites should always be at 00 ppm.
    you might want to add real plants to help keep down the ammonia. One day you might be out and there will be an ammonia spike, but if you have the plants your tank won't spike so drastically.

    Bettas do have a tendency to to fad or darken every so often not much to worry about, but if you're worried you can always add a 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.

    Is this a good narrative essay?

    On a warm dark night of summer, a friend of mine named Mindi gave me a call telling me that she had finally got an apartment, a place of her own, a place she can call home, I told her how great it was and congratulated her and then she insisted in a nasally voice that I come over and check it out, that night at about midnight I arrived to the apartment and parked right in front of the door, the door was pale white and not decorated in any way, and the apartments to its left and right were exactly the same, except for Mindi’s apartment had the light turned on and from outside it seemed pink, I walk in without knocking because I know Mindi would be ok with that, as I entered Mindi looked at me with a warm smile and jumped to hug me, she was very excited and glad that I came obviously.

    “Oscar! Can you believe it? Im so happy”

    “Yes it is quite impressive, you did it so soon”

    “Yeah well I don’t care, oh hey my friend Alysa is coming over you should meet her”

    Mindi and I sat in the middle of the living room, a very empty place with a dirty white color to the carpet and only a table stand to hold a lamp with a pink bulb, the room looks incredibly pink and dark, but we pay no attention to it, as the minutes flew by we started to talk more and more and we could not stop laughing, we were having a great time and eventually we get up and walk to the kitchen it is right next to the living room only divided by a thick tan wall and we decide to cook up a couple of eggs to keep us up to meet Alysa, I was very afraid to meet a new person especially under these circumstances.

    Finally at around two in the morning Alysa arrives but she comes with a friend of her own they are both dressed very elegantly, Alysa is wearing a yellow dress with glittering studs all over it, and her friend Mocha is wearing a chocolate colored dress with heels, they said that they just got out of a school dance, they dash to the bathroom to change into normal civilian clothing and come out to meet us, Alysa is quick to introduce herself by hugging me but the real surprise is when Mocha and I meet as she hugged me, we immediately notice that we look similar, Alysa and Mindi also notice the resemblance and are astonished but we did not worry about it in the least, the night went on and Alysa had brought a small radio, we plugged it in next to the lamp and placed it in front of the lamp, after that we danced all night and were extremely tired, we all fell asleep in the living room floor, who knew that in this visit to the apartment I would meet a new best friend and a possible mate.Is this a good narrative essay?On a warm dark night of summer, a friend of mine named Mindi gave me a call telling me that she had finally got an apartment, a place of her own. I told her how great it was and congratulated her and then she insisted in a nasally voice that I come over and check it out. That night at around midnight, I arrived to the apartment and parked right in front of the door. The door was pale white and not decorated in any way, and the apartments on each side were exactly the same, except for Mindi’s apartment, since she had the light turned on and from outside it weirdly looked pink.

    I walked in without knocking because I know Mindi would be okay with that. As I entered Mindi looked at me with a warm smile and jumped to hug me, she was glad that I came obviously.

    “Oscar! Can you believe it? Im so happy.”

    “Yes it is quite impressive, and you did it so soon.”

    “Yeah, well I don’t care. And by the way, my friend Allysa is coming over you should really stay to meet her!”

    mindi satn the middle of the living room. It was actually empty, with only a table standing to hold a lamp with a pink bulb. It was incredibly dark, but pink at the same time, but we pay no attention to it. As the minutes flew, by we started to talk more and more and we could not stop laughing. We were having a great time and eventually we get up and walk to the kitchen, that is right next to the living room, but only divided by a thick tan wall. Later, we decided to cook up a couple of eggs to keep us awake so I could still to meet Allysa. I was very afraid to meet a new person especially under these circumstances.

    Finally at around two in the morning Alysa arrives but she comes with a friend of her own. They are both dressed very elegantly, Alysa is wearing a yellow dress with glittering studs all over it, and her friend, Mocha, is wearing a chocolate colored dress with heels. They said that they just got out of a school dance, so they dash to the bathroom to change into normal civilian clothing and come out to meet us. Allysa is quick to introduce herself by hugging me, but the real surprise is when Mocha and I meet. As she hugged me, we immediately notice that we look similar, Allysa and Mindi also notice the resemblance and they are astonished too, but we didn't worry about it in the least. The night went on and Alysa had brought a small radio, so then we plugged it in next to the lamp and placed it on the table. Soon after, we started to dance,we danced the whole night and we're extremely tired, we all fell asleep in the living room floor. Who knew that in this visit to the apartment I would meet a new best friend and a possible mate.
    Is this a good narrative essay? on sentences..lots of 'em...learn where to put your commas and periods as the person above me said.
    Is this a good narrative essay?
    yeah buddy (rollin' like a bigshot..) Only mistakes sometimes you put commas where periods should be and a few runtogether sentences :D.

    Can you tell me where to get my new glass bowl online?

    I went to a fest and got 2 awesome bowls that got taken by the cops. One was a med sized tube chillum with one small bulb at one end. The whole thing had purple spritzes and changed into easter like colors when smoked. The other one was a spoon shaped one the was shaped just like a spoon with a shorter neck. It was so dark blue I couldn't see through it, and it was really shiny too. I NEED these so bad, do you know a store online that sells these exactly or real close?Can you tell me where to get my new glass bowl online?ebay?

    I still have gray water in my fish tank?

    Ok I have 2x, aqua clear filter 110, 6 or 7 plants, and probably 70 fish. Also I am using 2x driftwood, and colored gravel for about 3 inches high from the bottom of my fish tank. Water become gray after a week or two even though I am checking for Ph, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite everything seems fine except my Ph and grey color. Also I have community fish aquarium and this would be second day that I did not gave them any food. They look so hungry, also I am using 2x neon bulbs for better plants growth and I have C02 system.. I know I have made mistake by putting fish right away but now is too late to returned I can try to keep them alive until cycling is done. I also rinsed out carbon cartridge, ammonia and biofilter very well, but water is still cloudy. Should I start changing 10-15% of water daily and when I change water should I put some stress coat into basket before putting in aquarium or not? I think I gave you all information and once more time thank you so much for help.I still have gray water in my fish tank?The only things that you didn't include were: what size your aquarium is, and which way is the pH off. Unless it's a very large aquarium 70 fish is seriously overstocked. At this point in the cycle I would think it is running low due to the ammonia that is building up. Yes you should do daily water changes and put stress coat into the water before adding it to the aquarium. The reason the cloudiness has not cleared is most likely because of way to much waste for your filtration system to handle because of the large number of fish. Some of the plants may also be dying and decaying causing even more ammonia to build up in the water. Watch the ammonia and nitrite levels closely. They should drop off to 0 and nitrates should start showing up by the time the aquarium has been up for at most 10 weeks. If you still have high ammonia by the 10th week, the bioload is too much and you need to get some of the fish out of the aquarium so the filtration you have can handle the waste being produced. As the cycle settles in the water should clear. In the meantime, do not stop feeding the fish, just give them small amounts and make sure they are consuming all of the food you put in within about 3 to 5 min.
    I still have gray water in my fish tank?
    yeh take out 15% of your water then fillit up with clean fresh water then put the water in and add some strees zyme because i had the same problem as you so i got strees zyme cleaned out 15% water and now the water is clear and i am having tons of platy fry...........
    I still have gray water in my fish tank?
    If you don't have enough light over the tank, the CO2 is not going to do any good.

    You say your pH is off... Assuming since you are running CO2 you mean it's low. You can have CO2 injection and a high pH, it all depends on what you do with the KH.

    Without more info, I would tentatively say its a bacterial bloom caused by overstocking an uncycled tank and possibly some decaying plant matter thrown in for good measure.

    Stock reduction and frequent water changes would be the suggestion to cure it.
    70 fish? How big is the tank? Even 70 tiny fish would need about 100 gallons.

    If would have put my money on a bacterial bloom because this will produce milky coloured water but you have already just said that the water parameters are good so this is unlikely. Driftwood can leach colour into the water and this is perfectly safe and only lasts a few weeks just annoying. Also have you added anything else to the water like a rock or decoration... one of these could be leaching into the water.
  • artificially inflated
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  • Is there a trick to getting "dead" lights to work on one of those Target, Philips pre-lit trees?

    I have one of the Philips pre-lit trees from Target and it looks like two strands of lights are out. I thought that the lights were supposed to be the kind that last %26quot;forever%26quot; and that if a bulb went out, only one bulb would go out. I've only had the tree one year so I'm assuming (hoping) it's because I need to replace some fuse or change the way in which I plugged the various strands in (they are color coded, sort of).

    Any thoughts on where I can go to find help? Is this problem solvable, or am I just out of luck?

    ThanksIs there a trick to getting %26quot;dead%26quot; lights to work on one of those Target, Philips pre-lit trees?Newest tool on the market is the Light Keeper Pro. many stores are carrying them now. They test and repair lights without removing the strings.

    Ah! Possible parasites in my plant-only aquarium?

    I've had a small 1.5 gallon tank circulating for about three weeks with nothing in it. I haven't paid much attention to changing the water, but I've done about 50% weekly water changes just to make sure it's healthy for whatever I decided to put in it. Well, in light of acquiring a 29-gallon tank earlier this week, and other various factors, I decided to sprout live plants from bulbs in the tank instead of placing fish there. The tank would act like a nursery for the plants as they grew until they are big enough not to be bothered by the fish in the 29 later on. A head start, you know, before I even start the 29-gallon. So, I drop in the bulbs, not thinking to look for anything - I mean, how could there be, right? Clean water, nothing in it...

    And then I turn on the light a little while later, and as I'm examining the tank walls, something moving catches my eye. It's a tiny - and I mean *tiny* speck, squiggling around on the tank wall. It's not proportionally very long compared to its thickness, and it's moving in an irregular, smooth motion. It's definitely not a water flea, which are so named for their %26quot;hopping%26quot; motion through the water; I have no idea what it is. It's even smaller than a water flea, probably the size of one of the periods in this post, and white in color. I looked around the rest of the tank, and they are everywhere. Swimming in the water, on the other walls of the tank, swimming near the surface... what are they?! Please help. I think I may have to forget about using those plant bulbs now, because if the worm-things are parasites, they would be infected with them. I really need to know what they are!Ah! Possible parasites in my plant-only aquarium?Sounds like planaria or nematodes. Fairly harmless and generally present in all fish tanks anyway, just in very small numbers. They'll appear and multiply when there's a lot to feed on, in the way of organic things like those new plants.

    They'll disappear after a couple of water changes. In fish tanks fish will occasionally eat them as well.

    I've only had planaria in my fish tanks twice, once when an apple snail died and another when a fish died over a weekend when I was away. Excess organic waste matter = planaria/nematodes.
    Ah! Possible parasites in my plant-only aquarium?
    Chances are that the things swimming around aernt parasites but some organisms that came with the plants when u bought it.
    Ah! Possible parasites in my plant-only aquarium?
    Lots of small critters live in a fish tank, normally not noticed.

    They wont be 'parasites' as such, there is nothing for them to be parasites on.

    They are probably scavengers of some sort, they will feed on dead plant leaves, algae, smaller critters that you cant see.

    If you feel bored one day get a drop of mulm off the bottom of the tank and put it under a microscope. You will be amazed at whats living in there. You just have something slightly larger, in a normal tank most of them would be eaten by fish.

    They WILL have come in with plants, found a nice place to live and multiplied. Dont worry too much, the cure is probably worse than the problem.

    I agree with catx, I also had them when one of my snails died. They are harmless, and can make good live food (I think) for small fry.

    But yes, they are pretty annoying and will disappear after a while of water changes.

    Okay, not evaporation? Then is THIS the controversy?

    After reading many of the Creationists arguments here and elsewhere, I

    decided to see how their logic and tactics work on other fields

    besides evolution. The following is one result.

    The average homeowner feels they can trust the professional

    electrician who wired their house to know what he's doing. Most

    electricians have had formal training or years of experience in their

    field of expertise, and that's good because you trust them with the

    safety of your home and the lives of your family.

    But how much do they really know about electricity?

    Some of the things they think they know are nothing more than

    circular logic or assumptions based on assumptions! This has led to

    some very wrong thinking and has to be corrected time and time again,

    yet they claim to have all the right answers on matters electrical.

    For example, ask an electrician how they know how much voltage is

    in a circuit. You'll be told about the magic little box called a

    voltmeter which can wondrously measure the invisible, odorless,

    weightless electrons and give the voltage. How do they calibrate this

    device to be so accurate? They run voltage through it and set it to

    match! Of course, you can clearly see the voltage they run through it

    would be known because it had been measured by a voltmeter, and on and

    on in a prime example of circular logic.

    The truth is they don't even care enough to change major mistakes

    when they find them. When they first started their arcane art, they

    guessed at which direction the electrons were moving and assigned the

    familiar positive and negative signs according to that - but they got

    it backwards! A century or two later, they decided they had it

    backwards but did not bother to change it except when working on

    things like designing computer chips. They'll tell you %26quot;it's good

    enough%26quot; or %26quot;it doesn't matter%26quot; when it comes to your home, but since

    when has completely backwards from reality been good enough on

    something as deadly as electricity in your home? What if a gunsmith

    told you backwards doesn't matter when shooting a gun?

    Electronicists are often at a loss when confronted with evidence

    that doesn't fit their beliefs. Light bulbs are not actually %26quot;light

    bulbs%26quot; but dark absorbers. When you turn them on, they suck the dark

    out of the room. You can prove this by holding your hand under a

    %26quot;light bulb%26quot;. The dark will stack up under your hand where its path to

    the absorber is blocked by your hand. When they quit working and turn

    a dark color, it's not because they burnt out, it's because they're

    full. I once explained this to an electrician and he was at a complete

    loss for anything to say. I could tell by the way his shoulders were

    convulsing as he walked away he was sobbing, and he avoided talking to

    me about electricity from then on. I didn't bother to tell him that

    electrons don't really exist (they have never been directly observed

    by anyone), but that electricity works with magic smoke. If you touch

    the wrong two wires together, the magic smoke leaks out and the

    circuit stops working.

    By now it should be clear to the objective reader that electricians

    may think they know about electricity, but it's really nothing more

    than the guesses they've been taught to believe as fact by the self

    interests that controls the electrical industry. In any of the

    %26quot;official%26quot; code books and research journals they refuse to publish

    anything from outside their secular clique so they keep control of all

    information on the subject, even going as far as convincing lawmakers

    to force their beliefs on the public. More and more communities even

    have laws requiring all electricians to be approved by the secular

    code and forced to follow the Electronicism dogma in their work!

    If you would like more information on this subject, a copy of our 3

    hour video _Answers about Electricity_, or to make donations, contact

    us at The Amish Institute for Scientific Research.Okay, not evaporation? Then is THIS the controversy?Oh this was lovely, darling.

    Down with Electronicism dogma!! You've convinced me!

    Well done!

    (((Old Man)))
    Okay, not evaporation? Then is THIS the controversy?
    It was so totally awesome that I read it about four times!!

    Thank you, darling!!!

    (((Old Man)))

    Report Abuse

    Okay, not evaporation? Then is THIS the controversy?
    Huh? potential difference between 2 points. The zero is arbitrary.
    I have had some awful electricians . I don't really trust them . One is dating my daughter and I pray the light comes on and she drops him like any other bad habit.
    ''What if a gunsmith told you backwards doesn't matter when shooting a gun?''

    I almost died laughing at this point. Wow.....this is a gem of an article. One hell an ending as well ^_^

    %26quot;or to make donations%26quot;

    Well done. I am very impressed, sir.
    Basically your argument is Christians know nothing about science, and your always right.

    good point?? nah ...
    evil evil electricity making people persons things. The servants of satan.
    Wasnt the lord clever to create light bulbs then ROFLMAO
    is there really such a thing as The Amish Institute for Scientific Research, and wtf do they do? next you麓re gonna tell us there is an amish space program or that they are attempting to undo the generations of genetic damage from their prolific inbreeding.
    i get your point about electricity. we don't exactly know about electricity. i mean we know it travels through a conduit, we know it goes from point a to point be, and it also likes to go to ground in case of a short. but we don't know where it comes from, or what makes it do what it does. so it all rests on the faith that your electrician puts it together properly. nice analogy man.

    hey man your email's locked up. you mind if i add you? my emails open.
    %26quot;When they [light bulbs] quit working and turn a dark color, it's not because they burnt out, it's because they're full.%26quot;

    I loved the whole thing, but %26quot;they're full%26quot; almost made me spit, I laughed so hard!


    Do you really believe everything those Atheist Scientists tell you?

    The average homeowner feels they can trust the professional electrician who wired their house to know what he’s doing. Most electricians have had formal training or years of experience in their field of expertise, and that’s good because you trust them with the safety of your home and the lives of your family.

    But how much do they really know about electricity?

    Some of the things they think they know are nothing more than circular logic or assumptions based on assumptions! This has led to some very wrong thinking and has to be corrected time and time again, yet they claim to have all the right answers on matters electrical.

    For example, ask an electrician how they know how much voltage is in a circuit. You’ll be told about the magic little box called a voltmeter which can wondrously measure the invisible, odorless, weightless electrons and give the voltage. How do they calibrate this device to be so accurate? They run voltage through it and set it to match! Of course, you can clearly see the voltage they run through it would be known because it had been measured by a voltmeter, and on and on in a prime example of circular logic.

    The truth is they don’t even care enough to change major mistakes when they find them. When they first started their arcane art, they guessed at which direction the electrons were moving and assigned the familiar positive and negative signs according to that - but they got it backwards! A century or two later, they decided they had it backwards but did not bother to change it except when working on things like designing computer chips. They’ll tell you “it’s good enough” or “it doesn’t matter” when it comes to your home, but since when has completely backwards from reality been good enough on something as deadly as electricity in your home? What if a gunsmith told you backwards doesn’t matter when shooting a gun?

    Electronicists are often at a loss when confronted with evidence that doesn’t fit their beliefs. Light bulbs are not actually %26quot;light bulbs%26quot; but dark absorbers. When you turn them on, they suck the dark out of the room. You can prove this by holding your hand under a %26quot;light bulb%26quot;. The dark will stack up under your hand where its path to the absorber is blocked by your hand. When they quit working and turn a dark color, it’s not because they burnt out, it’s because they’re full. I once explained this to an electrician and he was at a complete loss for anything to say. I could tell by the way his shoulders were convulsing as he walked away he was sobbing, and he avoided talking to me about electricity from then on. I didn’t bother to tell him that electrons don’t really exist (they have never been directly observed by anyone), but that electricity works with magic smoke. If you touch the wrong two wires together, the magic smoke leaks out and the circuit stops working.

    By now it should be clear to the objective reader that electricians may think they know about electricity, but it’s really nothing more than the guesses they’ve been taught to believe as fact by the self interests that controls the electrical industry. In any of the “official” codebooks and research journals they refuse to publish anything from outside their secular clique so they keep control of all information on the subject, even going as far as convincing lawmakers to force their beliefs on the public. More and more communities even have laws requiring all electricians to be approved by the secular code and forced to follow the Electronicism dogma in their work!

    If you would like more information on this subject, a copy of our 3 hour video Answers about Electricity, or to make donations, contact us at The Amish Institute for Scientific Research.Do you really believe everything those Atheist Scientists tell you?electricity is nothing like religion... it is a proven natural property....... aaahhh this joke is too long... should have just put that last line
    Do you really believe everything those Atheist Scientists tell you?
    I'm hungry.
    Do you really believe everything those Atheist Scientists tell you?
    Unfunny troll.
    Not all scientists are Atheists. A lot of the most famous ones, like Einstein, are in fact Agnostic.
    %26quot;If you would like more information on this subject, a copy of our 3 hour video Answers about Electricity, or to make donations, contact us at The Amish Institute for Scientific Research.%26quot;

    Hahaha, 10/10
    I believe anything that has enough proof, if I wanted to follow someone blindly, I would have remained a christian
    Yes. I believe stupid
    You have Direct Current power in your home? Congratulations and score one for Thomas Edison.
    I like what you did there. That argument can apply to a lot of controversial topics today.
    Are you asking a question that you used as an answer in 2007? Or are you STEALING an answer from 2007?…
    The exact same thing could be changed to followers and religion and in fact, be more true based on history.
    I appreciate the thought you put into this and applaud what you are trying to do, but it is too long and lacks that crazy passion that true creationists put in their work. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something is definitely missing. Maybe the crazy.
    I believe what there is evidence for. Not everything in science has evidence - much stuff is still theory. However, I see what information they do have and if it makes sense I tend to %26quot;believe%26quot; it. People in science come to conclusions via experiments. Take it or leave it - Live your Amish lifestyle.

    What's your point?
    Too lazy to read all of that but in answer to your first question: no.
    wall of text fail
    Droll troll.


    Truth: You had me going until the word %26quot;Electronicists%26quot;.
    well, we can't all be perfect now can we?! besides, electricians aren't scientists, just ask any teacher or professor, or electrician or scientist, f*ck, even an alchemist will tell you the electricians and scientists are not the same!

    %26quot;If you would like more information on this subject, a copy of our 3 hour video Answers about Electricity, or to make donations, contact us at The Amish Institute for Scientific Research.%26quot;

    sounds like soliciting to me!

    Variables Question?

    To test the hypothesis that plants grow faster in green light, a student set up 3 of the same type of plants. She placed the first plant under a green light, the second plant under a regular light bulb, and the third plant under a red light.

    What is the independent variable in this experiment?

    A) pot size

    B) light color

    C) plant type

    D) amount of water

    Is it plant type (C)? Because It never changes?Variables Question?B) light color is the independent variable.

    The independent variable is always the one which is controlled and varied by the experimenter.

    The dependent variable is the one measured - in this case the growth of the plants.

    To insure a fair test, a good experiment has only one independent variable. As the scientist changes the independent variable, he or she observes what happens.

    In your experiment A),B) %26amp;C) should all be kept constant to ensure a fair test.
    Variables Question?
    The independent variable is the variable is also known as the %26quot;manipulated%26quot; variable. It is the variable that is being manipulated or changed by the experimenter. In this case it would be B) light color.

    A variable is something that tends to change or vary. The plant type never changes in this experiment so it is not a variable in this particular situation.
  • past relationships
  • What are duvet covers
  • Turn off backlight on MS xp like a Mac?

    I have a Thinkpad T60. I have downgraded it to MS xp and I was wondering if there is a way to shut off the back light of the screen like a Mac.

    In a mac, the back light turns off to conserve the battery, but the screen is still visible under proper lighting. This is because the LCD is still active, it is simply the back light that has tuned off.

    I have found a few programs that %26quot;imitate%26quot; the mac by changing the dimness, however, this does not turn off the bulb. Rather, it simply adjusts the indivdual pixels to a darker colour.

    Is there any way for me to turn off the back light?

    Thanks in advance.Turn off backlight on MS xp like a Mac?That has nothing to do with XP, but rather the hardware of your computer. Download the power management utility for your laptop from the manufacturer's site. If the backlight can be turned off, the utility will be better able to do that then XP's built-in power management.

    I have recently installed xenon kit in my car, 6000k. what do u mean by 6000k or 8000k?

    i need to change rest of the light bulbs on my car as the xenons are blue in colour, i heard from many ppl bout xenons for fog lamp are they the same as the one i have installed in my headlamps or something different?I have recently installed xenon kit in my car, 6000k. what do u mean by 6000k or 8000k?The numbers refer to color temperature...the higher the number the %26quot;warmer%26quot; the color looks.

    I really need some help! i cannot ignore the odd and unexplainable stuff that is happening to me and my house.?

    i am not able to just act like it is not real or it s impossible. example; the porch lights will be changed in the time i go to the garage and back,from a clear bulb to a colored one. blinds will be open then shut when next you look.all window screens are unlatched tho the windows are locked[some even sealed] and no cuts in the screen,just happened,at the end of the porch,touching the ceiling and hanging on a roofing nail is my thing to get stuff i cant reach,it has a plier like grip at one end,and it never leave the pantry wall.stuff that makes no sense. cant really says human as lot is not possible, ghost? sort of lot of effort for stupitity,elves,poltergeist,an evil spell, i am now photoghaphing and can prove i am not crazy,or am i? can someone contact me and at least try to name this so i can try to stop it,I really need some help! i cannot ignore the odd and unexplainable stuff that is happening to me and my house.?if what you say is really true then i think you should contact one of those shows like ghost hunters, that is some shyt that would make me get the hell out of there and i dont scare easy
    I really need some help! i cannot ignore the odd and unexplainable stuff that is happening to me and my house.?
    I really need some help! i cannot ignore the odd and unexplainable stuff that is happening to me and my house.?
    K thats freeky! Take a video of something proving that these things are happening and show them to the police or something!

    Whats causing this?

    Ok i have 29 gal fresh water fish tank and recently started growing live plants in it but all of a sudden there is a rust color that starts at bottom of glass on the inside and is working its way up is this from the live plants or is it something else. Please if ya know what i can do to get rid of it and keep it gone let me know cuz it just looks nasty and ive changed filter cleaned the filtration system out and even cleaned the tank but it comes back also i have a bulb in it that is a pick color when last one was bright white could that make a differenceWhats causing this?Ok its sounds like red algae that means you need to do a clean through with your whole tank cause red algae is very dangeious and can kill your fish. So clean all of the tank. And go to the pet store and get a product to keep algae out of your tank.
    Whats causing this?
    It's algae. Get yourself a couple of Chinese algae eaters and it will disappear. I used to have algae on the rocks in my 38-gal tank; I put two little algae eaters in and within a week -- no more algae.
    Whats causing this?
    Don't get more fish or animals to rid the tank of algae, they will only cause more of it and add to the bio-load. Scrape it off and change the water. Rust colored algae is not good. Only dark green algae should be left in the tank and has benefit to the system and fish. Pleco's are not needed ever.

    Rescued Iguana is having troubles?

    Well, I did great with my Beardies and my Niles but for some reason this Iguana is still something new to me. I'm starting to wonder if he's just upset or ill. Either way, he has a vet appointment, but the closest one is in a week...

    He is about 24 inches long and he was sort of a rescue since the previous owner did NOT take care of this guy and she offered him to me for some Christmas money for her.

    He was never given more then 30% humidity where she had him and I've definitely changed that!

    He did not come with a thermometer or hydrometer (and I got his cage from her, too) so I am guessing he was never given the right temperature too. I've changed that as well. Now he's got between 60-70 percent humidity and it's 90 in his cage.

    I've ordered him a new UVB bulb. He has never had UVB lighting, either, apparently! The bulbs he had when I picked him up were a common light bulb and a heating-coil bulb. Ouch!

    He's a gorgeous green color but from the shoulder's up it's all a dull, moldy green color. Like rotting spagetti, or something like that color, to be honest.

    And he is not eating. Last night me and my husband had to make him angry a bit for him to open his mouth and then when I gave him a bit of mustard greens he ate them right up. But only one leaf last night. Today I got him to eat about ninety percent of a mustard green leaf and then he just wanted to sleep in my lap. So I'm going to try every few hours to get a little more in him. When I went to go pick him up, I asked her if he had any favorite foods so I could try and bond a bit with hi and she told me his diet was solely turnip greens and apples or oranges. I almost don't blame him for taking no interest in the turnip greens or apples last night, I'd be tired of them too! And he doesn't seem to like banana or mango either...

    He has not had a bowel movement in twenty-four hours, either.

    When I pet this guy I can feel his ribs, and when he breathes you can see his upper chest sink lower then his ribcage sits on his lower chest.

    And he is alert as well as checking my out everytime I say his new name. But if I get a hand within a foot of him I get the tail. Anything closer and, well, his claws left blood down my arm this morning. He was never handled and he never has had his claws clipped. Any ideas on how I could safely get these claws clipped since he has such a bad attitude?

    I'm working with him, but it'll take some time. Last night in the bath he actually looked like he was shivering even though I had the water about 95 degrees. I don't think he's ever been given one of those either.

    I have tried to contact the previous owner by phone and email now but no responces from her or her husband. Which makes me think even more that they knew he was ill and wanted to make some money off of him before he died because they could not afford veternarian care. This makes me very angry, as I am sure most of you understand. This poor guy has been through so much and been given so little, I'm surprised he made it to this age and size in his life.

    I am, to say it bluntly, asking for any help with his eating problems. coloration problems, temperment problems and maybe some advice on clipping his claws with him in such a bad tempered state.Rescued Iguana is having troubles?First, let me say you are doing a really good thing here by taking in a mistreated iggy (there are way too many out there!) and actually knowing how to take care of him!!! This is so rare and it's a relief to know that there are still people out there who have managed to keep hold of their own brains. =P

    His lack of appetite or bowel movements could be a sign of impaction. Who knows what he was being kept on at his previous residence?! I wonder if it could also be some sort of worm...? When he does defecate, is it extremely smelly or runny? Worms can obviously cause bowel problems, although usually internal parasites cause excessive defecation, but they would also explain the loss of appetite and weight. It's very good that he is still alert, at least (although I'm sure this has resulted in a few bites and scratches on your end). Something that may help keep that up is an electrolyte powder that you add to the water and provide a warm bath with. Nutralyte is what we use at work. I swear by this stuff--it's amazing supplemental treatment for sick herps. You can find these electrolyte powders at most specialty pet stores. (They may be in the bird or even the horse section if not in the reptile section.) You can also ask a vet if they know of where you can get your hands on some.

    I would try every food under the sun to try and get him to eat more. Keep it up with the mustard greens since he has eaten a little bit of those. He may go for other kinds of greens as well, like dandelion greens or collard greens. Papaya is a must try. They LOVE it. Also, if you can get your hands on some cactus or hibiscus treats, they might spur his appetite as well. The green iguana society has a whole list of foods that are good for your ig as well, if you wanna check it out.鈥?/a>

    These are the cactus treats we sell at work, by the way. There is a smaller package as well. The hibiscus treats I actually saw in a bird pet store...I haven't seen them since though. =( Maybe you have some good old fashioned flowers around? Hey, you never know. =P鈥?/a>

    The coloration is you have a picture? It may just be his natural coloration. If you don't have a picture, you can look at other peoples' pics online and see if it's just his normal color. Their heads are a bit lighter/more gray-green than their bodies. However, if it is more like a splotchy discoloration, it could be a bacterial or fungal problem with the skin. Your vet should be able to help you out if that is the case. It could even just be a pre-shedding issue, or just a result of stress.

    Good old Melissa Kaplan.鈥?/a>

    As for the sharp nails....yeah. For now, I'd invest in a nice pair of thick gloves. =D No need to stress him more than he is understandably stressed. You may be able to get the herp vet to help with that if it is really bad. It'll probably take more than one person to get it done if he is not very happy about it. And the bad attitude is normal, I'm sure you know. Taking his previous husbandry into consideration, I'd say you should count yourself honored that he even lets you pet him at all, let alone sleep in your lap! Anyways, I'd say temperament is something you should worry about once his overall health has improved more.

    Wish you the best! You deserve for him to get better. I hope everything works out. Good luck, iggy!!! :D


    Dang! That is one lime green iguana! XD The greyish coloring looks like it is fading in from the patterning on his back and sides, so hopefully that is just his normal coloring. If it was a skin problem I would think it would be more sudden and blotchy looking than that. Again, you can ask your vet to make sure. Such a bright dude!!! :D
  • coolest myspace
  • sort of mormon repellent
  • Can someone please help me with my physics presentation?

    1.) The tip of a cigarette often becomes %26quot;red hot%26quot; when a smoker inhales. Using the relation between dominant wavelength and temperature for an ideal radiator, estimate the cigarette tip temperature knowing that red color has a wavelength of about 0.65 micrometer.

    2.) An object at room temperature radiates energy at a rate of about 0.3 watts per square inch of surface. The human body has about 2800 square inches of surface area.What is the rate of emission of energy byt the human body at room temperature? How does this rate of emission compare with a typical light bulb?

    3.) How does a temperature change 1 degree Celsius compare with a temperature of 1 degree Farenheit? How does a temperature change of 1 degree Celsius compare with a temperature change of 1 K?

    4.) Very few substances have a higher specific heat than water. Consequently, water is useful for cooling the condensor of a steam turbine. To show why, determine the temperature rise of one kilogram of water and one kilogram of copper if each absorbs 1000 joules of heat. Water = 1.00 calories/gram Celsius and copper = 0.093 calories/ gram Celsius.

    5.) A 1000-kilogram concrete pillar in a house stores thermal energy it acquires from sunlight entering through windows. The temperature of the pillar rises to 30 degrees Celsius on a bright, sunny day.

    a.) How many calories of thermal energy are available from this pillar when it cools to 24 degrees Celsius .....Concrete = 0.22 calories/ gram Celsius

    b.) If the nightly heat requirement to maintain the house at 24 degrees Celsius is 7 million calories, what fraction of the heat load could be provided by the concrete?Can someone please help me with my physics presentation?1. This problem makes me feel nauseous thinking about cigarrettes

    use Wien's law, with wavelength:

    lambda*T = 2898 microns-K

    solve for T:

    T = 4458 Kelvin

    Comment: red probably isn't the dominant color if it only appears red. An incandescent filament is at T = 2600 Kelvin, and it appears mainly white. There is more to the story that they aren't telling you.


    2. This question doesn't make much sense, but I know the typical figure is that humans dissipate is 100 watts of heat.


    3. A change of 1 Celsius is 9/5 times as large as a change of 1 Farenheit. A change of 1 Celsius is the same as 1 Kelvin, in fact, the Kelvin scale is defined so this is true.


    4. 1000 Joules = 238.846 calories.

    Q = m*c*deltaT

    1 kg of Water will rise by 0.239 Celsius

    1 kg of Cu will rise by 2.57 Celsius


    5) Q = m*c*deltaT

    Q = (1e6 g)*(0.22 cal/g-C)*(6 C)


    Q = 132 MegaCalories


    This pillar provides enough heat for 18 evenings. However, due to heat transfer to the outside air, it will not actually do this. You will find only a tiny fraction of the 132 megacalories actually makes it in to the house.

    Which user needs to change their ...?





    color of hair


    light bulbWhich user needs to change their ...?kitty


    \/ \/ \/ lol thats exactly why
    Which user needs to change their ...?
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ like I care

    edit: excuse me for being standoffish
    Which user needs to change their ...?
    my name could do with a change 'KungfuExorcist' i thought it was creative a few years ago but its abit noobish now, my avatar could change i guess because it looks abit cheesy and about 20 years older than i look so :/

    color of hair isnt as blonde as it is in my avatar but there isnt a color there that says mucky blonde hehe

    my attitude could change towards people on here i suppose, i learned that when ou ask a good question u get good answers and people are always willing to help u with somethin if u dont know what it is like...i didnt know what a troll was and a whole bunch of people came over and filled me in abit so that was alright :)

    we use lightbulbs ? :S im still usin candles and lamps, dont we all ?
    My name is excellent...and suits me fine, thanks鈽?br>

    dR bad

    when we win the PL... I may change it again though
    The user above said it... It's YOUUUU :P

    What's wrong with my photos? (Photos included, please see inside) Can you help?

    I took these photos only last night on an old Minolta SRT101 35mm camera. I'm fairly happy with the results only there's something not quite right with the photos. I've uploaded a few to show you what I mean. The problem is, the colour of the bulbs in each photo looks a little washed out. The settings I used were as follows: Film speed ASA 200, Aperture f1.7, Shutter speed 1/30 of a second. Could it be that I've over compensated for the lack of light?

    Also, you can't really tell because I've scanned the photos in but, the blackness in each photo isn't as black as one would hope. I'm only guessing but, would the best solution be to slightly decrease the amount of light entering the camera by altering either the shutter speed to 1/60 or changing the aperture to f2.8?

    Photo #1:

    Photo #2:

    Help would be much appreciated, thanks.What's wrong with my photos? (Photos included, please see inside) Can you help?You're right.. the lack of ambient light in the overall scene caused you to overexpose the light source. Unless you were to have used a fill flash, there is no avoiding this common problem.
    What's wrong with my photos? (Photos included, please see inside) Can you help?
    try changing the aperture,but i think maybe you aren't leaving it in the fixer long enough. the picture itself is sharp so i think the shutter speed is fine.
    What's wrong with my photos? (Photos included, please see inside) Can you help?
    lack of tripod is an issue - i could be wrong but they are very soft those images

    if you want the correct exposure try a grey card reading, - same for digi or film cams, also tungsten film might be better for that shot really鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    now everyone thinks i use tricks or something - i use a grey card or read the light off my palm - nothing special just using the basics well

    yes your images look 1-2 stops over to me

    I assume the lights are actually coloured. Yes change the aperture, but by at least three stops. Use fill flash if u want the tree to look green. If not keep the shutter at 1/60.
    I would suggest using a tripod, remote, and a fill flash to brighten up the tree just a bit.
    How did you get the photos developed?

    Some cheap machine printers will try to 'correct' negatives in which there is a lot of black. The machine thinks the negatives are underexposed.

    This results in a print where blacks come out grey as the print has been lightened to get a mid grey average across the whole frame.

    It's hard to see if this is the case from your scans. Compare the prints to the negatives. The black areas of the prints should be nearly totally transparent on the negative. If they are not you over exposed whilst taking the picture.
    First, use a tripod and a cable release.

    Second, use the settings below - taken from my FotoSharp ( Day %26amp; Night Exposure Guide, Scene # 11, Outdoor Christmas Lights:

    ISO 100

    f2.8 @ 1/2 sec.

    f4 @ 1 sec.

    f5.6 @ 2 sec.

    f8 @ 4 sec.

    f11 @ 8 sec.

    ISO 200

    f2.8 @ 1/4 sec.

    f4 @ 1/2 sec.

    f5.6 @ 1 sec.

    f8 @ 2 sec.

    f11 @ 4 sec.

    Part of the problem with the photos you showed is the large f-stop - f1.7 - used. Lenses are designed to produce the optimum results at between f5.6 to f11. Plus, at f1.7 you have very little Depth of Field. Use f5.8 to f11 for these photos.

    IMO owning the Day %26amp; Night Exposure Guide is a good idea.

    If you'd like to add special effects to your Christmas lights buy a %26quot;Starburst%26quot; filter - or you can make your own. All you need is a piece of screen wire, some thin cardboard and some tape.

    Cut a piece of thin cardboard about 3/8%26quot; wide and long enough to wrap around your lens. Tape it together. Now trace the diameter of this tube on the screen wire. Draw a %26quot;tab%26quot; at 4 places around the circle on the screen wire - about 1/4%26quot; wide and 3/8%26quot; long. Carefully cut this out and fold the %26quot;tabs%26quot; back and tape them to your cardboard tube. Place it over the front of your lens. Now every point of light will have 4 %26quot;rays%26quot; emanating from it. You can rotate the tube to have the %26quot;rays%26quot; going at any angle you like. The effect will be visible in your viewfinder.

    NOTE: If you have a lens hood for your lens you don't need the cardboard tube - use the lens hood to draw the circle on the screen wire.

    If you own a zoom lens you can compose at the widest setting and then carefully zoom in during the exposure. That creates some interesting effects. Just be smooth and don't jar the camera. A 35-70mm or 70-210mm zoom works.
    why would you wnqat what you ar looking at and a picture it made look exactly alike aRE YOU TRYING TO STEEL MY WORLD FOR DUMB RESEARCHi would hope so,., becuase it is a predicament you seem to know how to put into words

    Is this poem any good?

    Daddy’s Fishing

    Daddy brought me fishing

    On Sunday afternoons

    We’d cast the lines,

    Sit and wait,

    For the fish to bite the bait.

    Daddy came to my soccer games

    He’d watch from behind the line

    And when I scored he’d cheer and shout:

    “That’s my daughter, mine!”

    Daddy fixed the car up,

    He changed the light bulbs too.

    And when the toilet overflowed,

    He’d show me what to do.

    Daddy was a great cook

    He never burnt our food

    His specialty was hotdogs

    Which he grilled on the barbecue

    Daddy went to Afghanistan

    He called every few days

    He came back for three weeks

    But he needed to go back away

    Daddy didn’t come back

    And Mommy got “The Call”

    She cried and told me Daddy

    Would be back once and for all

    I didn’t know why she was sad

    He would soon be back here

    He’d tell me that he’d missed me

    Oh, he had been gone a year

    Mommy brought me to the airport

    The day that he came back

    Lots of soldiers were there too

    Some people wearing black

    Mommy held my hand tight

    While soldiers lowered down

    A big red and white coffin

    That’s when my Mom broke down

    I ran towards the coffin

    But Mommy held me back

    She told me to be quiet

    Or she’d send me off to nap

    I asked my Mommy what was in

    The big red and white coffin

    She looked at me with puffy eyes

    And said:

    Your Daddy, it’s him.

    I screamed and yelled

    It couldn’t be;

    My Daddy was so strong

    There must have been some mistake

    There’s something here that’s wrong

    One Sunday afternoon,

    Perfect fishing weather,

    My Daddy was put in the ground

    Where he would stay forever

    Lots of people were there

    They hugged me and they cried

    They showed me pictures of him

    A small boy with blue eyes

    My Mommy put some flowers

    On the stone that marked the place

    Where my daddy rested

    Where he would be to stay

    My Mommy brought me back home

    She tucked me in my bed

    And asked me if I understood

    That my daddy was dead

    I said that yes,

    I understood,

    But Daddy wasn’t dead.

    “He’s simply gone for awhile

    We’ll join him soon I’ll bet.

    Daddy lives with angels

    In Heaven and with God

    I bet you he still barbecues

    He’s got a fishing rod”

    Now it’s a Sunday afternoon

    I look up at the sky

    I know you’re fishing Daddy

    With the angels at your side

    I'd like to say that I haven't lost my Dad, but he's in the military, yes.

    (Oh, and I'm Canadian, hence the color of the coffin)


    No rude comments please, I just want to know what you think about it.Is this poem any good?absolutely lovely - well done you.

    have u been writing poems for many years to write like this?

    it flows along so well.

    reminds me of Sylvia Plath poem to her Daddy.

    Is this poem any good?
    Doesn't matter where ya from though i really enjoyed the poem as for it wouldnt partake to me neither for that all would just be a dream as it at times was for i grew up without my father

    Where can i find direct replacement leds for my speedo?

    recently i have been pondering on changing the colour of my mk3 ford fiesta speedo to blue lit.ive opened it and had a look there is a green filter but upon reading some forums this doesnt matter because u can take it out or get blulbs strong enough to shine through, but where do i get these bulbs..i did get some off ebay that said they fitted my car but upon arrival i discovered they were way to small.i need help as this is something i REALLY want to do.any help greatly apreciatedWhere can i find direct replacement leds for my speedo?Take the filter off,

    take a lamp out and get a coloured one (blue) that is the same size.

    There may be a marking on the lamp to tell you the type, otherwise just match up by sight.

    There are many supplier of coloured lamps for cars, try ripspeed and that crowd

    or Foliatec Glow Bulb Paint Blue

    Item code: 628610-0 - ripspeed code

    to paint the lamps you already have

    Tell me if this is mean?

    Alright a %26quot;person%26quot; [not naming anyone] Posted a question that said %26quot;How many n!ggas does it take to change a light bulb?%26quot; Yes i did report the question many people left answers like %26quot; you are a racsiets%26quot; and %26quot; Dude i'm black you are mean%26quot; so tell me if you think this is mean and tell me why. by the way i spelled the word wrong it means hates white or colored people.Tell me if this is mean?Yes, it is mean and uncalled for. Sure there are jokes for every color, sex, or creed but that does not make it right. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.(Galatians 3:28) Besides if we all come from Adam and Eve we share common relatives with everybody. So by calling somebody the %26quot;N%26quot; word, you are basically saying it about yourself. Remember what is in the heart comes out the mouth.
    Tell me if this is mean?
    It doesn't matter how you spelled it. Everyone knows what word you mean, and if you use it expect the consequences.
    Tell me if this is mean?
    i honestly think using that word just shows ignorance no matter what race you are!
    depends what race he is and if he meant it intentionally but sure it can hurt feelings.
    um idk why would would post what he said again as it is just continuing the hate

    1995 cutlass supreme sl trouble?

    i just baught a cutty supreme sl. ive been having trouble with the break lights. the parking lights come on, and the turn signals work sometimes. we changed the bulbs and still nothing. we know that the problem is in the turn signal lever, there are wires of different colors and one is yellow that fades to white. my parents were messing with the wires while holding onto the break and the break lights did flicker on and off. is that a short? also we found 2 gray wires CUT and have no clue what they are for. this is the cutty with an air bag. i really need some help please.1995 cutlass supreme sl trouble?my answer is try to check it out first on auto repair shop...dude

    Panther Chameleon colour?

    i have a panther chem i'm not sure how old or what sex but i,ve had it about a year and a half and it was always bright colours blues and greens maybe some reds and oranges but recently its gone a a dull brownish its still walking about and eating fine i dust the food it gets, it just doesn't look as good as it used to. i changed the uv bulb it the same as the old 1 i just replaced it. its not the first chem i've owned but i always had Yemen's before with no problems

    is there anything i need to be doing to get it back the way it was?Panther Chameleon colour?Howdy Craig,

    Take a run over to and post some photos there to sort out what might be going wrong, if anything. Here's the set of questions to cut/paste:鈥?/a> With those colors, you've got a male.

    See Ya, Dave Weldon

    Co-founder of the South Bay Chameleon Keepers group (Los Angeles area)

    Physical science please help me.?

    1. How are electromagnetic waves produced?

    A. A magnet produces changing electric fields.

    B. An electric charge vibrates or accelerates.

    C. An electric field produces charged particles.

    D. An electric field produces magnetic forces.

    2. Electromagnetic waves can travel

    A. through a vacuum, empty space, or matter.

    B. anywhere as long as they have a medium.

    C. only through matter.

    D. only through a vacuum or empty space.

    3. When the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave increases, its __________ decreases.

    A. amplitude

    B. volume

    C. mass

    D. frequency

    4. Which of the following is true about electromagnetic waves?

    A. Electromagnetic waves travel at different speeds in a vacuum.

    B. Electromagnetic waves vary in wavelength and frequency.

    C. Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed.

    D. As the wavelength increases, the frequency also increases.

    5. How does electromagnetic radiation behave?

    A. As a wave and as a stream of particles

    B. As a wave

    C. As a stream of particles

    D. As a wave or as a stream of particles depending on the context

    6. All electromagnetic waves travel at __________ when in a vacuum.

    A. different speeds

    B. the same speed

    C. 1,000 meters per second

    D. 1,000,000 meters per second

    7. Electromagnetic radiation consists of packets of energy called

    A. spectra.

    B. electrons.

    C. protons.

    D. photons.

    8. Electromagnetic waves can have different __________ and __________.

    A. speeds; wavelength

    B. frequency; speeds

    C. frequency; wavelength

    D. speeds; mass

    9. The fact that shadows are produced by light is evidence for

    A. the wave model and the particle model of light.

    B. the wave model of light.

    C. the particle model of light.

    D. the radiation model of light.

    10. You see light reflecting off of a glossy magazine cover because of a phenomenon called

    A. refraction.

    B. dispersion.

    C. diffuse reflection.

    D. regular reflection.

    11. A stained glass window is an example of a material that scatters light, because it is

    A. transparent.

    B. translucent.

    C. opaque.

    D. polarizing.

    12. What causes the surface of a road to appear to shimmer on a hot day?

    A. Scattering of light

    B. Polarization of light

    C. Reflection of light

    D. Refraction of light

    13. When light passes through a prism, _____ causes it to separate into the colors of the rainbow.

    A. dispersion

    B. reflection

    C. polarization

    D. diffuse reflection

    14. What color of light is produced when all three primary colors are combined in equal amounts?

    A. Cyan

    B. Magenta

    C. White

    D. Yellow

    15. Which combination of colors will result in green pigment?

    A. Cyan and red

    B. Yellow and blue

    C. Yellow and cyan

    D. Cyan and blue

    16. Why would a red object appear to be black under a blue light?

    A. The red object absorbs the blue light and reflects it back as black light.

    B. The red object absorbs all of the black colored light.

    C. The red object absorbs all of the red light, causing it to turn black.

    D. No red light reaches the red object, so none can be reflected from it.

    17. What determines the color of an object?

    A. The color of light that strikes the object and what the object is made of.

    B. The color of light that strikes the object and what the object weighs.

    C. What the object is made of and what the object weighs.

    D. The amount of light that strikes the object.

    18. What concept explains why the sky appears blue on a sunny day, even though air has no color?

    A. Refraction

    B. Scattering

    C. Polarization

    D. Reflection

    19. Which sources create light through the movement of electrons?

    A. Incandescent, neon, sodium-vapor, and tungsten-halogen

    B. Fluorescent and laser

    C. Incandescent, fluorescent, and laser

    D. sodium-tungsten and neon

    20. A fluorescent bulb emits light

    A. by causing a phosphor to steadily emit electrons.

    B. by causing a phosphor to steadily emit protons.

    C. by causing a phosphor to steadily emit photons.

    D. by causing a photon to steadily emit phosphors.

    21. Which energy source emits light when electrons move through gas inside of glass tubing?

    A. Laser

    B. Sodium vapor

    C. Incandescent

    D. Neon

    22. What is one benefit of using a fluorescent light source?

    A. It uses less energy than other light sources.

    B. It provides cleaner white light than other light sources.

    C. It emits most of its energy as light.

    D. It can produce many different colors of light.

    23. Which energy sources use a heated filament to produce light?

    A. Incandescent

    B. Tungsten-halogen and incandescent

    C. Laser and incandescent

    D. Incandescent, sodium-vapor, and tungsten-halogenPhysical science please help me.?1. B; 2 A; 3 D; 4 B; 5 D; 6 B; 7 D; 8 A; 9A; 10 c; 11 B; 12 C; 13 A; 14 C; 15 B; 16 D; 17 A; 18 B; 19 B; 20 C; 21 D; 22 C; 23 A; 24 D; 25 A;
    Physical science please help me.?
    wtf is this telling me

    Report Abuse

  • vb
  • straight shiny hair
  • How many horses does it take to change a lightbulb?

    How many horses does it take to change a light bulb?...

    Warmblood: Light bulb? What light bulb?

    Any foal: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned-out light bulb?

    Thoroughbred: Just one. And he'll rewire the barn while he's at it.

    Shetland pony: I can't reach the stupid lamp.

    Morgan: Oh, oh, me, me! Pleeeze let me change the light bulb!!

    Quarter Horse: Let him do it, you can pet me while he's busy.

    Trakhener: Light bulb? Light bulb? That thing I just ate was a light bulb?

    Akhal-Teke: Zero! AT's aren't afraid of the dark!

    Holsteiner: How DARE that light bulb burn out!! How DARE you ask me to change it!! OH!! (Flouncing off)

    Appaloosa: No, don't change it. If it's dark, maybe no one will see me raiding the feed room.

    Arab: That's what we pay the help for. I'll just chew on his shirttail while he's at it.

    Connemara: We'll just be after havin' a nip of the Bushmill's, we will, and then we'll not be noticin' the light.

    Andalusian: Let the maid do it. I need to go roll in the mud.

    Clydesdale: Och, and ye'll just be usin' up the 'lectricity, ye' will, better tae use a wee bit of candle...better yet tae not waste either and just gae tae sleep when the sun gaes doon. Electiricity is verra dear.

    National Show Horse (fidgeting all the while): Lights? Lights? Where? Do you want me to pose? This is my good, wait, let me get my mane wait, this angle is all wrong. No, wait, maybe this is my good side. Do you want dramatic..or bold..or maybe sensitive...?

    Shire: (Yawn) Who cares?

    Cob: Just wait till I've finished my haynet before you even consider asking me to do anything. Can't you see I'm busy?

    Tennessee Walker: (Hiccup) You're doing it all wrong (hiccup)! You have to use all four feet!

    Paso Fino: Se senior. Some colored ones would be mucho better!How many horses does it take to change a lightbulb?great answers

    my halflinger would say

    what's a light bulb can I eat it
    How many horses does it take to change a lightbulb?
    I agree with all except the tb... my tb would say... lightbulb... oh god its out change it quick... its dark and things might jump out at me oh quick change it... but i cant help i might get dirty... LOL...

    thanks for posting very good!! :)
    How many horses does it take to change a lightbulb?

    am i suposed to get that
    This is tooooooooooooo funny. And yes it put a big smile on my face.

    My Saddlebreds would say %26quot;Holy crap whats a light bulb..will it eat me? am i going to die?! DONT GET TOO CLOSE! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!%26quot;
    lmao! did you just come up with this?? this is good! rofl
    Haha, totally what some of them would say too if they could talk!!!
    Lol, yeah I just LOVE that Moniteau Saddle Club page!!!!
    luv it! ;0)

    How to set up and take good pictures?


    To start off I know how to take pictures and how to use the camera etc.

    My problem is I work for a company that demands good pictures. I have explained to them how I can achieve this. So right now I want to try and build a small studio. I would like to converse with someone on it quickly through Email. I've taken Many pictures and croped in photoshop, changed colors etc.

    So what I really need is if you can send me a message through the contact part to me with your email address. Then I can send you the picture's i've taken and the picture quality I would like to acheive. I know it's all about lighting and I have a TriPod here which I use.

    The pictures are of lighting fixtures on the ceiling and ones that hang.

    If you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

    What I was thinking on building was a Rectangle type frame of wood. Then have my light mounted to the roof. The roof being a peice of plywood painted white. Then on the sides have white sheets hanging down then lights behind them. I dont have lights that flash i will just be using any type of light like GU10 or MR16's or CFL bulbs, or GU24's etc.

    Please help :)


    You can also email to be able to contact me right away.How to set up and take good pictures?It might be a good idea to create a account since you already have a yahoo account (same account) and post the pictures there.

    What I use are standard light bulbs as they are cheap and easy to replace. I went to Home Depot and got some shop reflector lights. Now, make sure the light bulbs are the same so there is no light discrepancy.

    The finishing touch comes from using an Expo Image disk to set a custom white balance in my camera (tricky at first but really easy once you figure it out).

    You can attach the lights to anything or even make your own tripod or light stands in the garage

    Does this help you?

    Update: I forgot to mention that I also got me a couple of dimmer control from the hardware store similar to this鈥?/a>
    How to set up and take good pictures?
    Listen R. Kelly, havent you gotten in enough trouble filming stuff? You need to stop, I'm a doctor, trust me, I know.

    Is this lizard dead? or not?

    As you may well know, Florida has been getting hit harder than usual by cold fronts.

    Most of the reptile population is dieing (iguanas, pythons, and gators). i even saw birds dieing. the animals here aren't used to this cold.

    Well, i found this little anoly type lizard(only changes colors from green to brown depending on mood) in my backyard. it looks dead but when i heat it up with semi hot water it seems to gasp for air every minute or so. but now i have it laying on my fishtank( the cover is warm because of the light bulbs) and it isn't gasping anymore. is it dead?Is this lizard dead? or not?I saw on the news that most of those lizards out there will go into hibernation due to the severe cold. As the weather warms up, they will come out of it and be fine. BUT if you try to warm them up too fast, you might do more harm than good. Chances are that your lizard is fine but will need a couple days to come out of hibernation.
    Is this lizard dead? or not?
    It could be dieing or it could be going into a semi-hibernation state. Keep it warm and see what happens
    Is this lizard dead? or not?
    um idk put it somewere really hot! maybe a pot jaja no maybe he will get burned idk good luck

    Sony 42" projection tv LCD, 1 1/2 yr. old, showing pink spot on middle of screen,?

    Pinkish colored spots are more noticable on lighter backgrounds. I changed the projection bulb, Cleaned what looks like a prism mirror to no avail. I do not intend to fix this problem myself but am wondering what could be causing the problem and if it's worth fixing?Sony 42%26quot; projection tv LCD, 1 1/2 yr. old, showing pink spot on middle of screen,?There is probably a bit of dust on the green LCD panel. This means that only blue and red are getting through at that particular spot in the picture leaving a pinkish or purplish %26quot;spot%26quot; where the green is missing. Canned air might just do the trick if you can get to the green LCD panel.
    Sony 42%26quot; projection tv LCD, 1 1/2 yr. old, showing pink spot on middle of screen,?
    Okay, I'm confused. You pick my answer (thank you) but then imply the second answer is better. Actually, if the other answer had any validity at all, you would have lots bigger problems than just a spot on the screen. Obviously that answerer is just offering another opinion.

    Report Abuse

    Sony 42%26quot; projection tv LCD, 1 1/2 yr. old, showing pink spot on middle of screen,?
    Yes lets hope that it only dust because if it isn't means one of the LCD crack (over heated), usually you must replace the whole optical block. it's not cheap almost 50% of the TV price.

    Where can I get these kinds of party lights?

    I'm interesting in getting Party Lights for my house. I only need 4-5 bulbs.

    Watch this video all the way through before anything.

    I need the lights to be like this:

    + change colors between white, red, green, and blue.

    + syncs in with MUSIC

    + can manually sync if a user wishes (like, I'll press a button and the light will flash itself if I desire)

    + can FLASH

    + can rotate or move around

    I have no idea where to look and I'd like to know of a good website/place/location that can hook me up with lights like these.Where can I get these kinds of party lights?There are some web sites like these:


    very interesting person


    go to the tab Onstage or Media contact:

    Jeff Morrison


    3- you can try to go to a Musicians Music Store What ever you do or find it will cost money.
    Where can I get these kinds of party lights?
    Lol, I don't know if you want that big of lighting in your home, but you could recreate something similar on a more economic and bearable scale.

    Call these guys, I am sure they can set you up:

    1(800) 880-0883
  • Can you quilt a queen on a regular machine