Friday, 7 October 2011

I still have gray water in my fish tank?

Ok I have 2x, aqua clear filter 110, 6 or 7 plants, and probably 70 fish. Also I am using 2x driftwood, and colored gravel for about 3 inches high from the bottom of my fish tank. Water become gray after a week or two even though I am checking for Ph, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite everything seems fine except my Ph and grey color. Also I have community fish aquarium and this would be second day that I did not gave them any food. They look so hungry, also I am using 2x neon bulbs for better plants growth and I have C02 system.. I know I have made mistake by putting fish right away but now is too late to returned I can try to keep them alive until cycling is done. I also rinsed out carbon cartridge, ammonia and biofilter very well, but water is still cloudy. Should I start changing 10-15% of water daily and when I change water should I put some stress coat into basket before putting in aquarium or not? I think I gave you all information and once more time thank you so much for help.I still have gray water in my fish tank?The only things that you didn't include were: what size your aquarium is, and which way is the pH off. Unless it's a very large aquarium 70 fish is seriously overstocked. At this point in the cycle I would think it is running low due to the ammonia that is building up. Yes you should do daily water changes and put stress coat into the water before adding it to the aquarium. The reason the cloudiness has not cleared is most likely because of way to much waste for your filtration system to handle because of the large number of fish. Some of the plants may also be dying and decaying causing even more ammonia to build up in the water. Watch the ammonia and nitrite levels closely. They should drop off to 0 and nitrates should start showing up by the time the aquarium has been up for at most 10 weeks. If you still have high ammonia by the 10th week, the bioload is too much and you need to get some of the fish out of the aquarium so the filtration you have can handle the waste being produced. As the cycle settles in the water should clear. In the meantime, do not stop feeding the fish, just give them small amounts and make sure they are consuming all of the food you put in within about 3 to 5 min.
I still have gray water in my fish tank?
yeh take out 15% of your water then fillit up with clean fresh water then put the water in and add some strees zyme because i had the same problem as you so i got strees zyme cleaned out 15% water and now the water is clear and i am having tons of platy fry...........
I still have gray water in my fish tank?
If you don't have enough light over the tank, the CO2 is not going to do any good.

You say your pH is off... Assuming since you are running CO2 you mean it's low. You can have CO2 injection and a high pH, it all depends on what you do with the KH.

Without more info, I would tentatively say its a bacterial bloom caused by overstocking an uncycled tank and possibly some decaying plant matter thrown in for good measure.

Stock reduction and frequent water changes would be the suggestion to cure it.
70 fish? How big is the tank? Even 70 tiny fish would need about 100 gallons.

If would have put my money on a bacterial bloom because this will produce milky coloured water but you have already just said that the water parameters are good so this is unlikely. Driftwood can leach colour into the water and this is perfectly safe and only lasts a few weeks just annoying. Also have you added anything else to the water like a rock or decoration... one of these could be leaching into the water.
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