Friday, 7 October 2011

My baby has chylothorax - can you help?

My son had a repair to his esophagus (atresia) when he was 5 days old. A chest tube with a suction bulb was placed after surgery. For perhaps a week there was little drainage and what was there was dark and appeared slightly bloody. After a week and a half or so the fluid became clear and yellow and increased to a fair degree. He began leaking from the hole where the tube entered his back, too. You'd go to move him and it would drip out very quickly. After another few days the fluid level increased dramatically, to about 5 ccs per hour. They switched to a gravity drain and that seemed to work just as well until the drain tube was left looped and higher than the surgery site and he started to have trouble breathing because fluid was accumulating in his chest. He was pulling very hard to breathe and his oxygen saturation went When the drain was put in proper position he drained copious amounts very quickly. They then switched to a pluerovac (drain with suction) because they thought he had air on his lung and for the first several hours there was NO drainage at all. The doctor then changed ot the chest tube for a different style (pigtail to straight) and he began draining fluid again, but not to a great degree. By morning he was in respiratory failure. They inserted a needle in his chest and drained 60 ccs in a matter of a few minutes. They replaced the drain with another pigtail drain and stopped the leak at the insertion point so it wouldn't leak out there anymore. For the past several days they've continued to get 5 ccs per hour. Yesterday they began octreotide and today they are starting him on a formula (via g-tube he already has due to a cleft between the esophagus and trachea he was scheduled to have repaired mid-july - he is also on reflux meds - his stomach is very small) that is supposed to be low protein and have a special type of fat and assist with the healing of the leak to the lymphatic channel. Overnight the fluid has increased to 11 ccs per hour. I am at my wit's end because I don't know how to help my baby and, although I trust that the doctors are doing everything they can to help him, it seems there is a lot of head scratching going on. I have questioned the use of a suction drain. It seems to me that if the drain were placed near the leak (and they haven't pinpointed the leak) the suction could inhibit closure or even irritate the leak site. I also have read so much about chyothorax and the use of fat restricted diets and they all mention the fluid being milky. This is NOT milky - it is the color of very yellow urine and very clear. I'm wondering why, if the duct was injured during surgery, why there was no chyle leaking t first and then it began and now it has increased. It is so frustrating to not know what is going on. I ask questions but just don't seem to get thorough answers. They've told me surgical repair for chylothorax is very difficlt and have le us to believe that it is a long shot that surgery COULD fix it. They've told us his best bet is to let some time go by use the medications and diet, and hopefully it will self-repair. We've been told that if it doesn't heal he cannot live with it and he will die. This is too serious a situation for me to have unanswered questions. PLEASE help me understand this better. I would appreciate any info you think could be helpful to us.My baby has chylothorax - can you help?Get a second opinion! look I have issues with western medicine at times. They got too much confidence, and don't include other types of healing. It's more than just physical. It's emotional, mental and spiritual. I saw a mid-wife for my pregnancy, and went to a natural pediatrician. I would honestly call up your local mid-wifely service provider and ask for their help, find another specialist. Ask for a second opinion or someone they can refer you to. You are Mom, YOu have the intuition. Trust in yourself and your knowledge. Mom's always know best, if your gut is telling you something, then please listen. Find your strength as a strong, loving goddess, mother, and find that solution for your baby. Don't just sit around and let the doctor's handle it. Yes they have training, and know facts, but there is soo much more to it. Also are you holding your baby as much as possible? You, dad, grandma, need to be holding that baby every single second you can. Even if it's just to rest your hand on their leg. Give healing love energy. Prey, do Rekki healing. that baby NEEDS it, and that touch will help give strength to the baby to heal