Sunday, 5 June 2011

Can someone explain LED light bulbs to me?

*ok so how many color can it turn (what if original color it can with was red

*Can any LED light bulb color be changed (how)

*can it be used as a laser (no right?)|||There is the professional LED manufacturer%26#039;s website

I think you can found the best answers on it what you want to know!

Hope I can help you!

Good luck.|||%26gt;%26gt; how many color can it turn %26lt;%26lt;

%26gt;%26gt; Can any LED light bulb color be changed %26lt;%26lt;

Each semicoinductor junction emits a single color.

A red led will always be red. Green will always be green.

There are special LED packages built with multiple junctions each having a different color.

i.e. biased one way it is red, another green, but each is actually a different LED.

Red and green together or switched back and forth quickly and it would appear yellow.

%26gt;%26gt; can it be used as a laser %26lt;%26lt;

Yes, but not using just any LED. Your typical LED emits a single color, but not a narrow corhent beam you see from a laser.