Blue, green, red or white? Maybe pink, purple, yellow or violet? Rainbow? Other?
Do you think the colour and intensity would change with your mood or disposition, or would it stay the same and be more like a fashion accessory, matching your eye and hair colour, complexion and clothing?
And a 2nd question: Sometimes people ask Q%26#039;s in here and address the group as LGBTQ. What does the %26quot;Q%26quot; stand for? %26quot;Qatar%26quot; or %26quot;Queretaro%26quot;? %26quot;Qcumber%26quot;? Could you Q me in?
|||The light I would shine would be golden. Warm, radiant and full of life. The longer I exist, the brighter I get. I will shine my energy so bright, that even the darkest of corners will reflect it. The deepest frowns will be illuminated and transformed. No shadows will exist, and everything will be open to be seen in all of its splendor and squalor. People will be able to look upon their world without bias and without a haze. Things will be revealed for what they are, and embraces by my luminescent glow.
Oh, and Q stands for Questions. Because we all ask questions. I actually don%26#039;t know... maybe Queer, or Questioning? Hmmm....|||Purple =)
And I think the Q is for queer|||The Q is for questioning, like if they aren%26#039;t sure what their orientation is.
I%26#039;d be purple, which would intensify to a vivid orchid when I was excied, darken to a plum when angry and be lavender when I slept.|||I think I would shine a bright green!
And I am not sure about the Q... strange...|||Red for passion and desire to love.|||dark blue|||Purple, queer|||A black-light bulb, where I can make other things shine brighter than they have ever been able to do with an ordinary light bulb.
Q is usually either queer or questioning.|||i like the black light for them old doodle art poster that you could buy when you were a kid then you coloured them in with those glow in the dark felt pens.but the light not black it%26#039;s purple.i always wonder why they called it a black light when it was purple.|||Q is for questioning.
And I wouldn%26#039;t shine no matter how much electricity you pump through me. I%26#039;ll probably just die. =/|||Yellow....I love the sunshine!!
Q stands for Queens!! yeepeeey!|||Ultraviolet electric blue |||Orange w/ purple polka dots. Star for you! =)
Be careful and watch out for report monkeys. I had a question deleted the other day because of them for %26quot;chatting%26quot;. I only asked about what flower would you be if you were a flower. There%26#039;s a lot of them in this section on Answers.|||RAINBOW!!!
but if i had 2 choose 1 color ill choose Violet
I would shine different colors. Bright Bold Colors. Purple especially.
It would not be my fashion accesory, let alone a statement.
It would be my inner light.
:]|||Light Blue!!@@|||It stands 4 Quetzalcoatl, I think a Gay Mexican god ! Anyway, I%26#039;d shine ultra-violet %26amp; give people cataracts !!|||Brown because it%26#039;s my favorite color ^_^|||I%26#039;d change colors i%26#039;d say. I have depressive stages which could be like darker blues and purples, and I have stages when life is at its best, which could be Yellows and Oranges. Red and black could be my angry(i%26#039;m depressive when angry) and greens could be my perfect mood.
Q usually stands for Questioning. you%26#039;ll see people add letters, I%26#039;ve even seen LGBTQAA for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Asexual and Allies Who knows all the different letters people could add. Next It%26#039;ll be LGBTQAAPSO(cause people are outrageous) For something like Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Asexual Allies Pansexual Straight Omnisexual
I kid you not, one day it%26#039;ll be all crazy like that.|||i think the color would change with my mood and the intensity of the mood. queer?|||My light is a white light and my emotions add small mixtures of colour and intensity to match the mood I am in. It may sound boring kind of, but you would be amazed to see all the possible combinations of colours that can be created (mostly in an effort to keep from explaining each one lol).
As for the Q, I have seen others say it too, but I am quite sure it means the person is questioning the orientation they put down. To say it means queer just doesn%26#039;t seem like anything one of us would say about ourselves. I may be wrong.
Well, Omega, there%26#039;s another great question, thanks.|||hey i honestly didn`t look at the other answers before choosing but, Puuurple,dunno why though,it just makes me think of roses and crows,dunno why....
i`d prolly stay purple,it always looks good with everything,matches my hair and eyes i guess,and plus i already wear a purple bracelet and another pinkish red one haha)so they`d match too,
oh and abt the Q thing well,Queer maybe,or maybe Quagga!!i`d be honored to have them aboard the lgbt! IF there were any left :`(
aurevoir mon ami!
|||all of the colours at the same time, but not like white, like all them definable at the same time. i would be a rainbow lightbulb. YEAH!|||Mine would be a mood bulb.
Red when i am romantic and passionate.
Black when i am sad and depressed.
Green when i am giggly.
Yellow when i am happy.
White when i am numb.
Blue when i am excited.
and rainbow when i am doing naughty gay things
Which will be most of the time.
hahahahahahaha ;D