I bought 2 50 watt high pressure sodium lights to use instead of metal halides, and they work fine but the color of the light is yellow. I was thinking of adding a single strip bulb fixture with a different color light to even the color out so it will match my pc. What color should the light be?|||blue that would look great|||Red, would be cool|||a black(purple) light would be cool.or a blue one.|||if you just want to change the color you can go to the craft store and buy a jell sheet . then just cut it to fit under the light .
thats a cheap way and jell sheets come in every color under the sun.|||Cut a piece of thin glass that will fit over the glass in your lid. Go to a craft store and buy a paint kit that is used for making fake stained glass. Paint rainbow stripes down the length of the glass for some cool effects in the water. Some areas will appear darker than others, like real sunshine beaming through clouds.