I had these irises in my back yard. They were white irises, they must have been there for ten years or so. I recently transplanted some of the bulbs to my front yard. When they came up this year they were dark purple! Can anyone explain this?|||You%26#039;ve probably had a couple of types of iris growing together. White iris won%26#039;t become purple, but since most iris foliage looks the same and can grow into a huge hard to sort mass it%26#039;s easy to mix them.
It%26#039;s possible that the purple iris were lacking something needed to bloom in your back yard, or were too tightly packed, and now were able to get the energy to bloom.
There are a few cultivars that will change color, like Joseph%26#039;s Coat, but they just have some variation in the same palette, not totally different solids.|||Hey there :) I don%26#039;t know what the REAL reason could be, but maybe it%26#039;s a difference in the soil nutrients etc. Some flowers are known to change color depending on the different nutrients in the soil. Sorry for not having a true answer, hope someone will be able to help you. :) Good luck|||It probably has to do with the soil pH. Acidity and Alkiline soils can make blooms different. Same with hydrangas. They can be blue or pink depending on soil pH. Funny huh?|||irises are all purple then they hybrid them to be other colors if a over crowded white one turns purple it has went back to its original color it happens