Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Chemistry EXPERIMENT!! alka-seltzer, baking soda, vinegar, POP a baloon, Blow out a candle, light a LIGHT BULB

Im doing a chemistry experiment. I need to make a contraption that will do at least two of the following things...

-pop a balloon

-blow out a candle

-lift 500 grams (5 cm)

-light a light buld(a little christmas light bulb is fine)

-light a match

-have something change colors(chemical change)

this contraption has to be automatic(do it all by itself, except for me starting the chain of reactions)

You can only use either alka-seltzer and water OR baking soda and vinegar(probably used in the beginning of the %26quot;experiment%26quot;

i thought alka-seltzer was sopposed to complete an electrical current(for lighting the light bulb) but it didnt seem to work?

any ideas on how i could do some of this stuff or interesting things to make it cool!?!?!?!?!?!?Chemistry EXPERIMENT!! alka-seltzer, baking soda, vinegar, POP a baloon, Blow out a candle, light a LIGHT BULByou should probably solve this for yourself. BUT.

soda/vinegar in a bottle could easily inflate a balloon around the mouth og the bottle, and if the balloon were next to a lit candle, could easily blow the candle out when it pops (because it hit the candle flame)...
Chemistry EXPERIMENT!! alka-seltzer, baking soda, vinegar, POP a baloon, Blow out a candle, light a LIGHT BULB
Fill a balloon with baking soda, fill a bottle with vinegar (or vice versa), strap the balloon onto the neck of the bottle really tight but have the balloon flop down so that the 2 don't mix too soon, have alit candle nearby the bottle, when it's experiment time, lift the balloon so that the contents, fall into the bottle, then watch what happens.

The balloon should rapidly expand and if close enough to the lit candle, the candle should pop the balloon and the blast should blow out the candle.
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