Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I think my bearded dragon is ill ... HELP PLEASE?

recently he has been displaying abnormal behaviour, e.g headbutting the lighting.

then today he started to flatten out and go black under the chin and on his tail.

we read that this could be the start of puberty or stress so we got him out of his cage for a run, only to find him becoming aggressive (which is totally out of character.)

so we put him back in his vivarium, but he darted for the water, had a drink and then fell into the water dish and started to shake and jolt around rapidly. this only lasted a couple of seconds and 1ce he came round his breathing was abnormal and every few seconds he makes a hissing sound.

he has no stregnth and looks as though he may die.

is there anything we can do for him? and does any1 hav any advice?


(recently we changed his basking bulb 2 colored bulbs instead of clear as adviced to by our local reptile pet store, could this be the problem?)I think my bearded dragon is ill ... HELP PLEASE?Bearded dragons need UV light, which helps absorb calcium. It sounds like he was having seizures due to calcium deficiency. Colored bulbs don't usually give off UV light. I would change his bulbs (check the box and make sure they have UV) then call a vet, just to be safe. Sometimes, when they get a calcium deficiency, they need an injection from the vet.