What do you believe is the most important environmental parameter that affects how colorful african cichlids are? I assumed that it was PH, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have a tank buffered with seachem Malwai buffer at 7.8 or so. All of my fish in the tank have lost their color %26amp; are pretty bland.
I purchased 2 kenyi cichlids this week. I have observed them in the store for a month %26amp; they were stable and hadn't changed much. I get them home %26amp; 2 days later, the male has lost half of his yellow color. This tells me that I have an environmental constraint that's keeping these guys from coloring up.
What gives? Light frequency, light duration, some mineral that's missing from the water? The only thing I can think of is light frequency. I have a 32w T5 7k full spectrum and a 32w 4k T5 plant bulb. The light IS heavy on the red side. It was originally for a planted aquarium.
temp - 77F
ph 7.8
kh 11
gh 3
salinity 0.07%
Nitrites 0
ammonia 0
nitrates 13
phosphates 1.Kenyi cichlids lost color after 2 days from store.?Cichlids can change their color when they are stressed, but your chemistry looks good. How old are your bulbs? 5-8 months(running 8hrs a day) the bulbs have lost 50% of their spectrum. The fish don't rely on the light for their survival, but the pigments in their skin can react to the light. The number of fish, and the size of the tank might stress out the fish???Inch per gallon at full grown lenght.Kenyi cichlids lost color after 2 days from store.?Seachem makes an African Cichlid salt they claim duplicates lake malawi conditions. I can't remember the name but it sounds like this may be one problem. Kenyi are also a famous fish for changing color, I have seen large adult male kenyi change almost all the way back to female coloration, especially if they are not the alpha male.Do you have a very aggressive male fish of some kind? I have experience with M Auratus and P Demasoni...really dominating tanks and turning other male fish packing and going grey.Kenyi cichlids lost color after 2 days from store.?all fish can loose colour due to stress, give them about a week to settle into their new home.I dont know anything about them to be honest but a big thing that can affect the colours in fish are their food, so ask at the pet shop what they get fed
It could just be the stress of moving them though, im not really sureI would have said it was all of it not just pH - but as long as everything is %26quot;stable%26quot; there shouldn't be an issue.
Sounds like everything is pretty spot on in your tank (i would up my pH but what you have is fine), my inital thought is that it is just a new environment for them, they are trying to figure out where they are, not to stumble on anyone elses territory (whether there are other fish in there or not)
You said you observed them in the shop for a month so they were pretty settled in there therefore in full swing with things!
As long as they are eating %26amp; acting pretty normally i shouldn't worry too much. After a week or so they should colour up as, maybe the guy in the shop can elighten you as to what environmental constraints you aren't quite spot on with!
by the way nice fish!