Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Ok...another bulb's just lit up in my head...Re: Tanning??

Why all this obsession with changing your colour??..I mean some people that I've seen, wowww...they look like they've been tangoed lol, I guess with everything else,the craze stems off from celebs.

Once upon a time, growing up in England way back in the 1970' used to get picked on because of your skin colour..and now the joke isss....people fork out a fortune to get your colour.

I've a girl friend at work...who HAS to have her regular tanning top-ups..not forgetting how much its costing her too..i dont understand this mentality???.....why arent people happy with the colour of skin that they are born with??

....she's just been on the phone to me right now too, discussing her next tanning session ...can somebody enlighten me plz on this topic???Ok...another bulb's just lit up in my head...Re: Tanning??in ireland some parents even get their 10 year old daughters tanned for their confirmations!!!

i think pale is beautiful, i can spot a fake tan a mile away. if you're naturally olive skinned it looks nice, and if you're naturally pale it looks nice. we live in a shallow world that looks at what you look like, not who you are. very sad.
Ok...another bulb's just lit up in my head...Re: Tanning??
i like having a tan in the summer.,but i could live without it lol x
Ok...another bulb's just lit up in my head...Re: Tanning??
These people who are tanning %26quot;addicts%26quot; are going to wind up with skin cancer down the road. They don't see the danger in tanning (or don't seem to care) because they want to look %26quot;good%26quot; now.
I'm as white as a sheet and look like a ghost without my fake tan. I look healthier and sexier. Worse habits your friend could have, like bitching about you behind your back.
Tan fat looks better than white fat...Also some people tan to help hide skin imperfections (acne scars, stretch marks etc)
I agree. But it isn't just skin is it? People aren't happy with their natural hair either. We are all just so insecure these days and obsessed with perfection (whatever that is).

I'd just rather open a beer and chill out.......