Friday, 16 September 2011

Changing the color of lights on the dash in my car?

I have a 2002 Mazda Tribute and the color of the speedometer and other things on my dash are green and red... I really like the new colors in the Escapes and Tributes and want to change the bulbs to be a light blue or pink or something... is this possible?

I've heard it's pretty easy to change a bulb so do I just buy the bulbs in the colors I want and replace them?

Thanks a lot! :]Changing the color of lights on the dash in my car?Yes buy a manual for your vhicle and the light bulbs at a local auto parts store and the manual should tell you how the dash comes apart. Then you just switch the ligh bulbs out.
Changing the color of lights on the dash in my car?
Rip off the dash and pull the light sockets out and new ones in..

its simple but its kinda annoying to rip apart the dash,,